The project consists of the implantation of an automatic hardware management system or an intelligent warehouse; a multifunction CNC lathe with an excellent fusion of turning and milling operation; and a laser working station for the engraving / marking of plastics.
The main objectives were:
To reduce the spending on tools and searches, using an intelligent warehouse.
To increase two productive tempos, in relation or multifunction lathe.
In the case of the laser station, we guarantee the traceability of our products, avoiding counterfeiting.
The final result is an expansion of the productive capacity, the integration of processes, the elimination of unproductive times, satisfying the needs of two of our clients and international expansion.
This project would not be implemented without the fundamental support of the Igape organization, the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union through two Feder Funds; A very important and remarkable help for Galician SMEs.